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Decorator (Adult/Teen)
1 House kit (for decorating on the day)
$ 50.00 Inc GST
11 available
Additional Adult/Teen
No House Kit
$ 0.00 Inc GST
$ 0.00 Inc GST
Take Home House Kit (1)
inc. House kit, board, lollies & wrapping
$ 35.00 Inc GST

Have fun and make fabulous memories this festive season with the kids or grandkids by building and decorating your family’s very own Gingerbread House, who knows…it may even become a family tradition!

Why not share the love by gifting a Gingerbread House this Christmas, grab extra house kits and decorate them at home.

What’s included:

  • Gingerbread House kit
  • Baseboard
  • Lollies to decorate
  • Icing
  • Cellophane and ribbon to wrap it up
  • Juice and water

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