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Our annual Spring Festival is back!

Tickets also available at the entrance.

This spring we are again opening up the homestead so you can come along and explore the beautiful gardens and buildings of Mont De Lancey.

The weekend will be jam packed with things to see and do. You’ll find artisans including blacksmiths, wood turners, leather workers, weavers/spinners and tapestry makers all working their time-honoured crafts.

There will be brewers, distillers, garden artists, crafters and makers demonstrating and selling their wares.

You’ll also be able to visit Art on the Hill sculpture and painting exhibition in the gallery and museum. There you will find displays of stunning works from well-known local and regional artists.

Family and kids activities are happening throughout the festival – including pot and ceramic painting (create your own masterpiece), facepainting, and games.

Enjoy great food at Two Peas Café, a sausage sizzle at the kiosk, or a tasty offering from one of the food vans.  Explore the beautiful gardens and buildings of the historic homestead.

Gold coin parking.

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